Our Family

Our Family

Friday, March 2, 2012

The story of us (at least, of the three of us).

This "tail" begins shortly after David and I were engaged.  We had been living together for nearly half a year and, although things were very nice, I felt like something was missing.  In November 2009, I started telling anyone who would listen how badly I wanted a dog.  Although neither David nor my parents thought this was a great idea, nothing could dissuade me from my mission of becoming a dog-mom.  So after searching Craigslist on an hourly basis for unwanted dogs around Chicago, and sending every single option to David for nearly a month, David finally broke down and agreed that we could get a puppy.  His two specifications were that he did not want a rescue dog and he did not want a pit bull.  Naturally, after carefully considering all of the very cute, very adorable puppies that we could purchase for way too much money, I decided that we had to adopt.  Once David acquiesced to this desire, it was only a matter of time before I happened upon the most irresistible face I have ever seen:

We lovingly refer to this as her "adopt me" face.  It is also good for: "You're not really going to eat all that yourself, are you?"; and "I'm pretty sure it is time to get off the couch and give me some attention"; and "Surely you can squeeze little old me in the middle of that big old bed, sofa, soft thing, etc. you're laying on at the moment..."

Honestly, from the moment I saw this picture, I was a goner.  And one look at me told David that there was no use in trying to dissuade me.  So after an email, an application, and several weeks of waiting (something to be discussed in a future post...), this little princess made her way into our home!  We adopted her through One Tail at a Time.  They are, honestly, the most incredible NFP I have ever encountered.  We felt 100% supported throughout the foster-to-adopt process and, because Raisin is part of their Court Case Dog Program, she receives free training for life (something that has been a life saver, for sure...also to be discussed in the future).

So that is how our little family began.  Since then, we have had a year and a half of adventures.  Lots of ups, quite a few downs, and plenty of smiling, snuggling, snorting love in between.

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