Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big News!

So today our little family received some really big news!  I found out that I was accepted into the 2012 Teach for America Teaching Corps.  Words cannot express how excited I am about this opportunity.  I have always wanted to be a teacher (in spite of what my educational background might indicate) and I cannot believe that I will have my very own classroom this Fall (or, well, at least my very own students...)

Since this is a blog about our little pittie, I feel obligated to tell you that the very best reaction I received was from Raisin.  She and I were home alone when I received the email telling me I'd been accepted and when I yelled with delight, up popped 50 lbs of butt-wiggling happiness.  She jumped right on top of me and gave me all the smooches I could stand.  For a good five minutes, she actually prevented me from checking to make sure I'd been placed in Chicago and discovering what I had been assigned to teach (Special Education, by the way...)

I immediately called David, but since he didn't answer, I got about 10 more minutes of celebration time with the Raisin.  She and I did our happy dance; the dance includes an embarrassing amount of wiggling on both of our parts and then I gave her a special treat and fed her dinner early (so that I could actually get back on my computer and read, in more detail, about the big news).

Once I had talked to David, I started making the family phone calls and since Raisin had finished her dinner (a feat that takes no more than 60-90 seconds) she clambered back on top of me to continue with the celebratory slobber.  Now that things have settled down a bit, I have been talking to her about how things are going to change in a few months.  I am going to go from working at home, being with her nearly full-time, to working out of the house and going to class two nights a week.  Since David will also be starting work full-time this summer, things are going to be drastically different for our baby girl.  We are going to have to find a dog walker for afternoon potty breaks, figure out feeding routines on nights David and I will both be gone late, etc.  On the plus side, having two full-time incomes means that we will finally be able to seriously search for a house!  I have been telling Raisin about the glories of having a yard for so long and I know that it will be a dream come true for her.  She loves visiting her grandparents in the suburbs and running free around their huge yard.  She is also looking forward to the likelihood that we will have a car in the not too distant future.
"What's that you say?  More car rides!?!  I accept."

Her love of car rides is fodder for a future post, so I will leave it there.  More celebratory kisses are coming my way :)

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