Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mommy/Daddy Morning Cuddle Time

Everyone has a favorite time of day.  Our family is no exception.  Our very favorite time of day takes place every morning and we call it Mommy/Daddy Cuddle time!

When Raisin first joined our family, David was adamant that she not be allowed on the furniture.  After a few weeks, in a desperate attempt to ingratiate himself to the Raisin, he invited her up on the couch one evening.  The moment this mama found out about the transgression, all bets were off and from that day forward, no piece of furniture was off-limits for our little girl.  Our bed included.  However, we only have a full-size bed.  Since the hubby is six feet tall and I am a very independent sleeper (no touching, PLEASE!), Raisin had a hard time figuring out where she would fit in.  Turns out, she is a foot of the bed kind of girl.  Every evening, after David and I have found our places, Raisin will carefully tuck herself in and around wherever we placed our legs (read: Raisin gets up first and we make the rest work around her comfort...)
"Oh, sorry, were you thinking of joining me in this mess I made of the bed?"

However, sometime during the night, Raisin must begin to feel unloved.  Because the very second that David or I stir in the morning, Raisin pops up, gives a little stretch (you can look forward to a full post on how to properly limber up in the morning, Razor style), and scooches her little body right in between us. Her strong preference is to face me and lay her head directly on my chest, while David curls his whole body around hers.  Basically, she would like to be snuggled as closely as possible from as many angles as possible for as long as possible.

 "Mama, what are you doing with that camera?  Come back and snuggle please!"

"OK, fine, I guess I will just stay here and snuggle Daddy while you do whatever is more important than loving me!"

So that is our favorite time of day.  Some days, it can only last for a minute or two as we have to tend to our responsibilities.  But on certain lazy Saturdays and Sundays, it has been known to last for hours and we all get up feeling a little closer and a whole lot more loved.

While our family's favorite time of the day is MDCT, I suspect that Raisin's diary would look very similar to this one: http://www.goodeatsfanpage.com/humor/otherhumor/dog_cat_diary.htm.

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