Our Family

Our Family

Monday, April 16, 2012

Field Days

Living in a condo with a dog is not always easy.  Obviously, there are some major space constraints, lots of barking at noises in the hallway, and having to take an elevator every time we want to get a little fresh air.  So, when we get the opportunity to head to the suburbs to visit Grams and Gramps, we usually jump on board (well, at least Raisin and I do...sometimes David needs to be bribed with some Taco Bell).

As you can see below, Raisin very much adores her Grandma:

I think the feeling is mutual.

She also LOVES car rides...
"I'm a big girl with my very own seat!"

But what Raisin truly loves most of all, is sprinting around full speed in the great wilderness that is Grams' and Gramps' back yard:

Raisin, under the influence of her father, is somewhat convinced that she is a super hero dog.  David likes to sing her the Batgirl song, but I'm pretty sure she is Superdog, able to leap wide ravines in a single bound:

After a little bit of fetch (consisting of throwing a stick for Raisin and then chasing after her to get it back), we like to switch it up and play some keep away:
"Come on Gramps, lemme at it, lemme at it.  I'll show that stick who's boss!"

This usually lasts for about two minutes, until Raisin accidentally sucker punches someone in the gut and gets her beloved stick.  She then proceeds to another favorite pastime, stick deathing:
"Mmmmm, this wood has been aged to perfection."

Once we get too nervous that she might get a splinter in her tongue, we take the stick away and the whole process starts over again.  Raisin is definitely more of a sprinter than a marathoner, so her stamina only allows for about 3-4 rounds of this routine, then she resorts to happy back scratches:
"Mom, Dad, I think you guys should consider installing some of this stuff in the condo...ya know, so I can get my rubs when you take off on me for hours at a time."

And finally, what every dog owner hopes to achieve, even if only for a few minutes, exhaustion:

So even though Raisin is certainly a city dog who loves her walks and exploring the sights, sounds, and smells of Chi-town, she doesn't mind a trip out to the country every now and then to get back in touch with her natural roots.  She takes after her mama like that.

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