Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Raisin Belt

Raisin has gotten it into her head (maybe because of her mom, maybe not...) that she is a lap dog.  A 50 pound, pure muscle, lap dog.  Although we have a three-seat sofa, a day bed, and lots of choices for her on the floor (please see "Snoozin'" post for details), her favorite place to be is on top of someone else (typically either David or me, but any lap will do in a pinch).

So why call it "The Raisin Belt"?  Well, Raisin doesn't just randomly jump onto the couch and cuddle.  This particular action occurs only when she believes that the person in question is planning to leave her shortly.  This is Raisin's last line of defense (and cuteness) to prevent her humans from leaving her alone for hours on end (or minutes...really, what's the difference when a pooch is being left?)  In the photo above, it is clear that David is getting ready to go to the gym.  He has finished his protein, is fully dressed, and would be out the door by now if it weren't for one little pit bull standing laying in his way.

"She may look like she's in for the night, but shortly after this picture, Mama left me for a movie!  Raisin belt failure."

Sometimes, on her best days, Raisin manages to belt both of us at once.  She considers this to be the ultimate accomplishment and is VERY reluctant to move at all when she has achieved such belting perfection.  Sadly, the ever elusive double belt has never been captured on film because, well, we haven't had a human child yet and trained it on how to take pictures of the three of us snuggled on a couch.  All in due time...

While I tend to "ohhh and ahhh" over her adorableness and put off leaving for a couple of minutes, David remains undeterred by the belt and will gently slide her off into a ball on the sofa.  This usually results in the most adorable pouty face you will ever see:

"You're LEAVING me?!?  How can you even consider such a thing?"

The Raisin Belt: The only fashion accessory you'll ever need.

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